AR500 Armor Level III+ 10" x 12" Tactical Reviews, Deals, Problems and Guides
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For the very best in ballistic protection, the AR500 Armor Level III+ plate is one of the most durable defensive options available. This plate is rated up to 7.62x51 NATO M80 Ball ammunition at 2,780 feet per second, ensuring a range of protection across multiple calibers and projectile speeds (including threats covered by type I, II, IIA and IIIA plates). Its additional strength offers a wider range of protection than typical Level III plates. AR500 Armor’s Advanced Shooter’s Cut (ASC) offers plates with both left-handed and right-handed draw options for maximum comfort when shouldering a rifle. In addition to the standard flat option, this plate also comes in a Multi-Curved style. Multi-Curved models help reduce strain across the plate’s surface area upon projectile impact, making for a significantly stronger plate. Choose between the base polyurea coat, or an additional build up polyurea coat for extra protection against fragmentation and spalling. Made in the USA with a twenty year, maintenance-free shelf life, the quality of this plate is second to none.
Full Reviews
Can't say too much as the carrier I bought turned out to be 1/2" too short. In process of rectifying that problem.

Paul G,
November 3, 2020
November 3, 2020