AR500 Armor Level III 10"x12" Tactical Reviews, Deals, Problems and Guides
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For the ultimate in ballistic protection, the AR500 Armor Level III plate is one of the most durable defensive options available. This plate is rated up to 7.62x51 NATO M80 Ball ammunition at 2,780 feet per second, ensuring a range of protection across multiple calibers and projectile speeds (including threats covered by type I, II, IIA and IIIA plates). AR500 Armor’s Advanced Shooter’s Cut (ASC) offers plates with both left-handed and right-handed draw options for maximum comfort when shouldering a rifle. In addition to the standard flat option, this plate also comes in a Multi-Curved style. Multi-Curved models help reduce strain across the plate’s surface area upon projectile impact, making for a significantly stronger plate. Choose between the base polyurea coat, or an additional build up polyurea coat for extra protection against fragmentation and spalling. Made in the USA with a twenty year, maintenance-free shelf life, the quality of this plate is second to none.
Full Reviews
I bought this plate for my wife. She teaches at a community college that constantly giving out warnings for rioters. She's supposed to put in her back pack to keep her safe just in case. This plate is heavy duty and I'm sure it will stop what needs to be stopped.

James M,
November 9, 2020
November 9, 2020
Heavy, durable, good spall liner. Wont stop 5.56 at close range, but 7.62 can go pound sand. What I wanted.

November 9, 2020
November 9, 2020