AR500 Armor Level III+ Lightweight ALSC Body Armor Tactical Reviews, Deals, Problems and Guides
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Level III+ Lightweight body armor is designed to stop rounds with a velocity up to 3,000 FPS, with the Advanced Lightweight Shooters Cut for maximum mobility
Chest & Back
Armor Construction Material:
Ballistic steel core
Armor Cut:
Armor Features:
Made in USA, FragLock, Curved, Rifle Rated
Armor Level:
Armor Shelf Life:
20 Years
Armor Size:
10" x 12", 11" x 14"
Armor Threat Rating:
Level III+ LW multi-hit protection against calibers up to 5.56x45 M193, 5.56x45 M855/SS109 at 3,000 FPS (+/- 30FPS) and 7.62x39(ie AK-47), 7.62x51 M80 NATO Ball (ie .308) at 2,850 FPS. Not rated for AP rounds.