Bolle X1000 Duo Tactical Reviews, Deals, Problems and Guides
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The Bolle X1000 Duo Kit features Bolle’s double lens ballistic goggles that are ideal for reinforced total protection. With its double lens, the X1000 provides ballistic resistance to over 275 m/s, more than 990 km/h and ultra-effective anti-fog resistance thanks to its Equalizer technology. Equalizer technology ensures ultra-effective anti-fogging by using a vent system to equalize the atmospheric pressure between the screens, thus eliminating any moisture and condensation. The Duo Kit comes supplied with a microfiber pouch around the strap and individual rigid carry case. When it comes to your vision in the field, a clear, crisp line of sight is paramount to your safety and the safety of those around you.
Full Reviews
These for the money are the best in quality I have ever seen they are just fantastic.

Phillip R,
October 22, 2020
October 22, 2020