Ka-Bar TDI LDK Last Ditch Knife Tactical Reviews, Deals, Problems and Guides
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The TDI LDK Last Ditch Knife was designed by John Benner, veteran police Lieutenant and President and Chief Instructor of Tactical Defense Institute. With a profile that is not much larger than a credit card, this knife can easily be concealed wherever necessary. It can be worn around the neck, pinned under a tactical vest strap or lashed down with your boot laces. This backup knife is intended to be readily available as your "Last Ditch" attempt at defense when all other weapons have been removed. The LDK is constructed from stainless steel that won’t rust from coming into constant contact with natural body oils and is sold with a hard plastic friction sheath and black cord.
Full Reviews
Razor sharp edge and point. On crutches for Service connected surgery, I wear gloves and place this in the top lest my primary weapon be removed. Once on my feet its getting relocated to inside my pant tied to back belt loop with a small thread. Easy to conceal and would make all the difference in a deadly force encounter in the hands of someone well trained and capable of using it. Great product all around

Mac, TacticalGear.com
August 16, 2016
August 16, 2016
We'll I can't say I was expecting much from this purchase. This knife is really only there as the title says it is, a last ditch. DO NOT buy this if you are looking to use this as a back up knife, or for anything other than escaping a deadly situation under the most desperate of circumstances. If you're expecting this to be small, think again, its smaller. However, after all that, I will say it does deliver on its word, its razor sharp out of box, so be careful using this.

Sean Nadeau, TacticalGear.com
December 9, 2017
December 9, 2017
Not sure what I was expecting when I bought this knife. Its smaller than I thought, but then, I guess it has to be small if you're gonna secure it to your tactical boot laces. I have big hands, and it feels like a toy when I hold it. But that being said, it feels like a solid piece of steel. I guess it truly is a "last ditch knife"....if things go south, and I need to count on this blade, it's gonna be very interesting.

Harvey W., TacticalGear.com
February 13, 2018
February 13, 2018
It would be great if you had a piece of steak meat stuck between your teeth. When viewed online, the finger loop grip looks like it fits in your palm of your hand. A man can hardly hold it with two fingers.

Jamie Flannigan, TacticalGear.com
April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
This is a nice blade that fits in the sheath well and can be kept almost anywhere on your person. It's about 1/2 inch longer than your drivers license and almost fits right behind it in your wallet. You could keep it in your boot or just put it in your pocket on your way out the door. It comes sharpened and ready to go, the point especially is amazingly sharp. It fits in your hand well and would be great in a pinch, but it's not really an every day knife. The handle is too small to be comfortable on a daily basis, but regular use is not what this knife is for. Overall great buy

D. Hutch, TacticalGear.com
October 1, 2016
October 1, 2016
Known as the “last resort” this little bugger placed on you or a carry item can be easily concealed and used in the right spot make a huge difference when you might think the party is over. great buy and I will be ordering more. Gave this one to my daughter for EDC.

Damon D, TacticalGear.com
October 1, 2020
October 1, 2020
Another great product for up close and personal self defense. Carry it almost any where on your body... in your pocket and no framing. Will make good presents for any holiday or celebration gift. I highly recommend this self defense knife.

James F, TacticalGear.com
October 3, 2020
October 3, 2020
Great little knife. Love the fact that it fits on your boot. Perfect for all around cutting small stuff and nice for an last resort self defense weapon.

Mfsoil, TacticalGear.com
July 1, 2019
July 1, 2019
Its very thin and can hide anywhere on your person. Its not made for a main form of protection but it is for last minute, last chance protection.

Michael P, TacticalGear.com
May 1, 2019
May 1, 2019
It’s a little big knife! Like it very much I bought three and will buy again bcz I gave one to my daughter and another to my friend.

RobRoy H, TacticalGear.com
May 11, 2020
May 11, 2020