Lasermax CF-LCP CenterFire Laser for Ruger Tactical Reviews, Deals, Problems and Guides
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Instantly improve your shooting accuracy on the Ruger LCP with the Lasermax CF-LCP CenterFire Laser. This ambidextrous laser easily mounts to your weapon's barrel in minutes, and sits just underneath the bore for maximum accuracy. When the master power switch is activated, it produces a consistent 5 mW red laser that is user-adjustable for windage and elevation and is perfect for training exercises or range time. It can be installed without additional gunsmithing or tooling, and is permanently aligned for optimal accuracy at 10 yards. Whether seeking a reliable laser sight for the range or for personal defense, Lasermax has you covered.
Full Reviews
I couldn't be happier with my laser. Especially easy to install and set up!

David Krull,
July 23, 2018
July 23, 2018
A keeper

Joseph C,
March 8, 2020
March 8, 2020