SureFire HL1-A Helmet Light Tactical Reviews, Deals, Problems and Guides
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This compact, variable-output Helmet Light from SureFire features three white LEDs, two blue secondary LEDs, and one blinking infrared LED that serves as a personal Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) beacon. The white primary LEDs are perfect for general-purpose close-work illumination. Blue secondary LEDs serve the same purpose but in a low-signature, dark-adapted-vision-friendly color. The Helmet Light features a durable, watertight polymer body and a low-profile rotating mount that clamps quickly to any Modular Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH). This ingenious mount features 20 preset positions that allow the light itself to be rotated 360 degrees for optimal light-output positioning. The integral lever on the mount unlocks the light, allowing for quick removal for servicing, changing the battery, or transfer onto its optional Z71 carry clip, which attaches to any MOLLE or ALICE vest.
Full Reviews
I would like the like the product better if it was sold with the MICH adapter as a set.
You need to order the adapter separately.
You need to order the adapter separately.

Greg Sawin,
July 18, 2018
July 18, 2018
Love it, very tough low profile light. Great briteness for a small light. Good price.

March 31, 2018
March 31, 2018